Also, a few members went to the South Farm Showcase, a public event held for an entire Saturday, "showcasing" all of MU's farms and clubs. It was at this event that we premiered our latest investment- the cow suit. It was a hit to say the least. Members took turns being "Ol Betsy" and the kids loved her. She even went over to the Collegiate Horseman's booth and got a picture with a horse. We are very excited to showcase her at our Milk and Cookies Booth Fundraiser this week, as well as a few other activities we have planned this semester.
You may be asking yourself... What will that crazy Dairy Club do next?? Take on Madison, Wisconsin! That's right folks, 8 of Dairy Club's finest will be roadtripping (and yes, sadly, missing classes) to enjoy the highly anticipated WORLD DAIRY EXPO! Of course, I'm one of the 8, and I'm driving. Anybody who knows me is probably taking bets on if we actually get there or not, but I'll have my GPS, we'll be fine. The 8 of us are very excited and counting down the days until the big departure day. I'll have both my camera and camcorder ready, and of course, will post our adventures on the Dairy Queen blog.
I don't know who wore the cowsuit the last half of SouthFarm Showcase, but I was in it for the first half and I believe that the cow was the biggest hit at the showcase :)