On one of my last days on my DFA internship, I visited a dairy that had this automated brush in the barns with the cows. These cows were literally standing in line to stand under the brush. Talk about taking cow comfort to a whole new level!
-It's kind of hard to see, but the brush is spinning and the cow is moving around so it hits her itchy spots. It's pretty neat!
Personal updates: Sadly, I'm finished for now with my DFA internship, but on the bright side, I'm back on the farm! I was happy to see how easily I fell back into the farm routine, and that I still remember how to drive the tractor haha. School starts in a week, which means the Dairy Club madness will begin also. Sooo... my blogs from now on will probably be centered around the farm, dairy club, and class stuff-- but still dairy- related and hopefully enjoyable for y'all to read! Also, I found my camcorder when I was unpacking, so I think video blogs will be in the near future!
And who says farmers don't take great care of their animals? Video blog, good idea! I can't wait to see what you come up with back at Mizzou. I'm still in rural Illinois this week, at least partly because I'm dumb and tempted by money. I get to move all of my stuff back during about half of this weekend. Should be interesting! haha